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Report 22 Jun 2023

Lessons From Cross-Sectoral Issues: Pathways to greater representation for ECD in the humanitarian Sector

The following report aims to identify how different inter-cluster issues have established themselves within the formal humanitarian architecture in order to inform best practice for the ECDiE sector. The full methodology and scope of the work can be found in Annex 1. The purpose is to understand the key challenges and successes of areas, such as Cash, Youth, Disability &Inclusion (D&I), and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS), have had while engaging with the humanitarian structures and to develop a strategic pathway forward.

In the report you will find key learnings, and key findings in addition to recommendations going forward on how to embed ECDIE as an inter-cluster issue. A clear picture emerged in the report of a changing humanitarian structure moving away from a focus on individual sectors and towards a structure that is people-led which is centered around the needs of individuals and communities.

This report has been authored by Sarah Hartigan, from Seedling Education, as part of Moving Minds Alliance JAG2 (Joint Advocacy Group) action plan. JAG2 focuses on better coordination amongst different humanitarian actors and advocates for ECDIE within the humanitarian system.